Thursday, April 18, 2019

Theme of religion in the Arab world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Theme of religion in the Arab world - canvas ExampleReligions also should practice equality. In respect to the Muslim perspective exclusively people are equal before the eyes of God. God created people equally and they should be treated equally. The poor should be helped by the rich and exploitation should not be practiced among religious people or the Muslims.In reference of the documentary, religious people should have original goodness. This means that people should practice goodness without world forced or pretending. Original goodness should be seen among religion with people helping each new(prenominal) without expecting repayment or compensation. Religions like Islam touchs in one God who they regard as the creator of all things and the earth. Muslims belief and faith one God known as Allah who created mankind. The followers of religions set time to worship the Supreme Being. The devoted Muslim should adhere to the practices as required in the Quran. As the religions ha ve a free choice principle, some people choose not to follow the practices while others follow keenly. Muslims belief that they should remain committed to religious teachings in order to receive blessings the Supreme

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